Oatmeal Drink for Weight Loss

oatmeal drink for weight loss

Looking for honest content in oatmeal drinks for weight loss and does it work for weight loss? Let’s find out together.

Oatmeal is one of the clean energy flours recommended for eating during weight loss because it provides high energy, is digested slowly, is full for a long time, and is low in fat. It also has high nutritional value.

Oatmeal is one of the most nutritious foods and is widely eaten by health-conscious people and people who want to control their weight. It is popularly used for breakfast and as an ingredient in a variety of clean food menus. Because oatmeal is a grain that provides high energy but is low in fat, it contains vitamins and minerals that the body can use as energy immediately. In addition, oatmeal also has many other benefits and values.

Get to know Oats!

Oats are classified in the grass family. In the past, oats were just grasses that were interspersed in wheat fields. But after that, they were widely harvested and eaten until they became more popular. Oats are popularly grown in Northern Europe, areas with cold weather and little sunlight, such as northern Germany and the Scandinavian countries. Currently, oats are processed and sold in 3 types: rolled oats, oatmeal, and instant oats.

Types of Oats

Oats are divided into 3 main types according to the characteristics of the oat grain and the production method.

  1. Rolled Oats

They are flakes similar to cereals. Rolled oats are made by steaming oats until cooked, then pressing them flat with a roller and drying them again. Rolled oats are popularly used as an ingredient in baked goods and mixed with dried fruits, nuts, or as muesli and granola.

  1. Oatmeal

They are in the form of a coarse powder. When water or milk is added, it is similar to porridge or rice porridge. Oatmeal is made by roughly chopping oats, so the nutrients are retained, including the oat bran. We are familiar with oatmeal, adding milk or water, boiling it and eating it with fruit for breakfast.

  1. Instant Oats

Instant oats have the same characteristics and production as rolled oats, i.e. the oats are cooked first by steaming, which takes longer than rolled oats. Once the oats are fully cooked, they are chopped, dried, and seasoned to make them easy to eat and convenient for the consumer. Because just adding hot water will give you a soft, sweet soup without having to add anything else.

Benefits of oatmeal drink for weight loss

Oatmeal is considered a whole grain, which of course reduces the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and blood pressure. It is rich in vitamin B, iron, magnesium and antioxidants. However, to get the most out of oatmeal, you should make sure that the oatmeal you choose does not contain excessive amounts of sugar and salt.

 – High in protein

Oatmeal contains protein and 6 types of essential amino acids. Oat flour is considered an easily digestible flour because it contains an enzyme that helps with digestion. It is low in fat and almost all of it is polyunsaturated fat, which is good for the body.

 – Low in cholesterol

Regular consumption of oatmeal can help reduce cholesterol levels, especially bad LDL, and increase good cholesterol levels in the body. Therefore, it is no wonder that oatmeal is recommended as one of the 5 foods that help manage cholesterol levels in the body, which will help reduce the risk of clogged arteries and heart disease.

– Prevents high blood pressure

It has properties that help reduce the risk of heart disease and blocked arteries. From research, it was found that those who eat 1 cup of oatmeal a day will have a higher risk of heart failure.

– Removes toxins from the body

Helps absorb toxins from the body, eliminates waste in the intestines, which will be eliminated with feces, making you healthier and reducing the risk of serious diseases caused by accumulated toxins.

– Helps to lose weight

Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which makes the organs in the body, especially our intestines, work more efficiently. It helps reduce constipation, reduces the absorption of sugar, fat and various wastes. This means that when we eat oatmeal for breakfast, it will give us energy and fill our stomach, making us full for a long time, which is better than eating breakfast with high sugar and fat, which will make us feel hungry faster. Besides that doing the morning stretches for weight loss make you get faster result.

– High in antioxidants

There is an antioxidant called “Avenanthramides” that protects cells in the body from pollution. It has the ability to eliminate bad fat in the body and also helps fight germs and cancer cells. People who eat oatmeal regularly tend to be healthy, not easily sick and far from serious diseases.

– Strengthen the immune system

The fiber in oats is called beta-glucan, which stimulates the body’s immune system to be strong, helping to repair worn out organs more efficiently.

– Suitable for people who are allergic to gluten

It is low in gluten, so it is an alternative food for patients who cannot eat gluten. Oats are full of carbohydrates and many essential nutrients, so they can be consumed as a good replacement for foods that contain gluten.

Health and beauty benefits of oatmeal for weight loss

Relieve constipation

Those who are frequently constipated should eat 7-8 grams of oat bran per day along with their regular diet. The fiber in oats helps soften stools and make them easier to pass.

Treat dermatitis

It has anti-dermatitis properties. Using oat extract to make a lotion and applying it to itchy and dry skin will make the skin softer and moister and reduce skin inflammation very well.

Get rid of acne

For those who have acne problems, mix oatmeal with milk and leave it to cool. Then apply oatmeal to the acne area for about 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. When done regularly, acne will gradually subside and eventually disappear. In addition, oatmeal helps eliminate bacteria that remain, thus preventing acne from recurring.

Use as a deodorizer

Oatmeal can be used to eliminate musty odors very well by putting oatmeal in a box, leaving the lid open, and putting it in the refrigerator or placing it in a damp area that smells bad.

– Treat sunburns

Exposure to the sun for a long time can cause skin burns, but we can use oatmeal to treat it. Grind the oatmeal until fine, wrap it in a cloth, soak it in water, and apply it to the sunburned area regularly. This will help the wound gradually heal and also help moisturize the skin.

– Nourishes the skin to be smooth, soft, and youthful

Oatmeal can be used to nourish the skin to be smooth and youthful. Take 3/4 cup of oatmeal and blend with water for about 3 minutes. Then add the egg white, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, mix until well blended, then apply a thin layer on the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do it regularly only 2 times a week, and you will definitely see the results that you like.

How to consume oatmeal for weight loss to get the most benefits

Oats are a great choice for a quality breakfast. One tablespoon (approximately 15 grams) of cooked oats with water provides about 10 kcal of energy, while dry oats provide 389 kcal of energy per 100 grams. When eating, you can boil it in hot water, eat it with skim milk, add honey and fresh fruits, make it into oatmeal porridge, mix it with yogurt, or make it into cakes or cookies. Now we have a healthy breakfast and snack that will give us the full nutrients and benefits.

Nutrition Facts of Oatmeal for weight loss

100 grams of raw oats contain 389 calories. The nutritional value is as follows:

– Protein 16.89 grams

– Fiber 10.6 grams

– Calcium 54 milligrams

– Water 8.22 grams

– Fat 6.90 grams

– Carbohydrates 66.27 grams

– Magnesium 177 grams

– Zinc 3.97 milligrams

– Folate 56 micrograms

– Vitamin B1 0.763 milligrams

– Vitamin B2 0.139 milligrams

– Iron 4.72 milligrams

– Sodium 2 milligrams

– Potassium 429 milligrams

One oat bar (about 86 grams) contains 190 – 170 calories.

One cup of cooked oatmeal (about 170 grams) contains 160 calories.

Does eating oatmeal for weight loss make you fat?

Oatmeal is one of the most nutritious foods. It is well known as a high-energy grain but low in fat. It contains vitamins and minerals that the body can use as energy immediately. It also contains dietary fiber that helps you feel full for a long time. Oatmeal, in particular, has a GI or glycemic index of around 55, which is higher than white rice and bread, which are around 70-80.

Therefore, eating the right amount does not make you fat as easily as regular flour. It is also relatively easy to store and cook. However, be careful not to eat too much, including instant oatmeal, which has a GI value comparable to regular white rice and bread.

However, eating everything must be in moderation, not too much, and must be eaten with a variety of other foods, including appropriate exercise.

Healthy Oatmeal Drink for Weight Loss Recipes

1. Yogurt oatmeal for weight loss

This healthy recipe is perfect for breakfast or a snack to help you lose weight.

The method is to boil the oatmeal and scoop it into a bowl. Cut the strawberries and kiwi into a bowl, pour honey over them, then add yogurt, garnish with granola and mint leaves, and it’s ready to eat right away.

2. Oats banana smoothie for weight loss calories


– 1 banana

– 1 tbsp rolled oats

– 1 tbsp honey

– 120 ml soy milk

– 1 cup ice


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smoot

3. Banana Cocoa Oat Smoothie


– 300g banana

– 50g maple syrup

– 20g Tulip Gold cocoa powder

– 250g Oat milk + 320g chocolate chips for serving


1. Blend banana (300g), maple syrup, cocoa powder and 250g of oat milk until smooth. Pour the mixture into ice-cube trays and freeze for 6–8 hours or until the mixture is firm.

2. When ready to serve, put oat milk ice in a blender and blend with 320g of oat milk.

3. Pour the mixture into glasses, garnish with banana and chocolate chips, and serve immediately.

4. Oats apple smoothie for weight loss

Ingredients (serves for 4 people)

– Oats Milk, Unsweetened, 1 liter

– 160 g quick-cooking oats

– 250 g blackberries

– 2 apples

– 4 tbsp pistachios (optional)


1 Slice the apple into thin slices and remove the seeds.

2 Add the sliced ​​apple, oats milk, and quick-cooking oats to a saucepan.

3 Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and stir for another 3 minutes, until everything is well combined.

4 Divide into 4 bowls and garnish with blackberries and pistachios. You can also top with a little oat milk. Now, your healthy breakfast is ready to serve!

Precautions of oatmeal for weight loss

Before eating, oats must be cooked first, or if eating raw, soak them in water to expand to prevent irritation to the stomach. Therefore, oats should be consumed in the right amount and do not forget to cook or expand before eating.

Oats may be contaminated with other grains, such as wheat, which can be harmful to patients with Celiac disease who are allergic to wheat gluten. Therefore, you should choose oats that are certified pure and uncontaminated. If you eat them and have an allergic reaction, you should see a doctor immediately if you have symptoms.

Oats have many benefits for the body. They are full of fiber and many nutrients. Therefore, you should find an opportunity to try eating oats, whether it is a sweet or savory menu. Of course, oats are also food that is suitable for those who want to control their weight, but eating them in the right amount along with exercise will make you healthy, strong, and far from serious diseases.

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